Friday, February 27, 2009

Reunion Letters

We sent out the reunion letters today, Friday 2/27/2009. If you know someone who did not get a letter please let me know, so that I can get one to them or direct them to this web sight and they can leave me a comment.
If you are wanting to leave a comment on this web sight here is the way to do that. Click on the word "comment" at the bottom of this post. This will pop up a window for you to type in your comment. After you type your comment, make sure that you sign your full name at the bottom of your comment, so that we will know who you are. Then there are several choices before you can publish your comment, like "blogger name, Anonymous, and others. Click on the one that says "Anonymous" and then click publish post. This will allow your comment to be posted.
I would like for everyone who can to use this sight to leave your updated information and to let us know if you are coming to the reunion. This will make it some what easier for us. But feel free to send back the letter with your information on it if you do not wan to use this sight.
The letters state that we need to hear from you by May 1st if you are coming to the reunion or not, and also any directory updates. We are having the directories printed by an outside source after May 1, so it is very important that we hear from you by this date. Also we must let Ceta canyon know about how many are coming. If we do not hear from you we will assume that you are not coming.
I will leave updated posts on this web sight from time to time to let you know about what is going on. So be sure to check back every once in a while. In the meantime if you have any questions, you may leave a question here, e-mail me at, or call me. Thanks and we look forward to hearing from each of you.

Mattlock Howell